Tuesday, June 14, 2011

To Be Or Not To Be A Blogger?

To Be Or Not To Be A Blogger?

That is the question. 

I’ve long been a fan of several great blogs and those friends who know me well have asked why I don’t write a blog myself.  Huh?  I Dunno??   I… uh… I gotta go.  (Sorry, reverted to my teenager’s number one answer. It’s just a wicked habit.   Haha )   I guess I’ve just preferred snappy quick comments on facebook and personal visits with friends and something about the obligation of keeping up a blog once I start it kinda scared me off.   Or maybe friends tell me to blog because they’re tired of hearing me talk in person and on facebook?  Kind of like at work when someone is dragging on and on about something stupid and to shut them up you say “That’s very interesting.  Why don’t you write that up and email it to me?”  Maybe they’re just blowing me off nicely?  Hmmm…  definitely a consideration? 

Well, never someone to be easily shut up, I guess I’m plowing on….  So I’ve finally decided to take the plunge (or be it cannonball?) into blogging.  Here goes nothin’ folks!   I can’t hope to compete with some of my friends who have truly mastered the art of blogging, nor can I promise stunning photos, or photos of hot cowboys and calf nuts (for you PW fans), or helpful tips, or consistency, or just about anything useful come to think of it.  But if you’ve got time to kill and need a confidence booster, i.e.  “well, at least I’m not as screwed up as that chic…” feel free to stop on by my ramblings.  Perhaps something will occasionally strike a chord or bring a smile?  And after all, it gives me something to do when I really should be working or doing laundry.

A note about photos:  I will occasionally include photos but my posts will be mostly good ole fashioned wordiness.  Snapping pictures no more makes a person a photographer than putting down some sentences makes one a writer.  I claim to be neither.  To further complicate matters however, my dog ate my camera.  Haha!  No, I’m actually serious.  Well not in the eat and digest sense, but more of the gnawed and slobbered on and cracked my LCD screen and broke certain features sense.  He is a big loveable 90 lb. chocolate lab and it’s just kinda what he does.  He meant no harm, I guess my camera just looked tasty and interesting at the moment when one of my kiddos left it momentarily unattended in the backyard.  Oh well.  It still takes photos but since I can’t really see what the pictures are looking like, it makes things a little more interesting.  And since I am a creature of habit and cannot find this model camera (which I dearly loved and was used to) in stores anymore, AND I am a terribly broke cheapskate and refuse to buy a new one any time in the near future, AND I am frighteningly indecisive when it comes to this purchase, AND I'm totally NOT techie camera savvy and might I mention again that I am too much of a cheapskate to purchase the models recommended by my techie camera savvy friends,  I guess it will just have to do.  Something about having champagne taste on a beer budget?  It’s the story of my life. 

Okay, anyway….  If you’re reading this I guess you’re along for the crazy ride with me.  Sit down, shut up, and hold on!!  Oh my bad… slipping into copying my teenagers again!  Hahaha  Definitely don’t shut up, I’d get a kick out of reading your comments. 

So in the immortal words of Clark Griswald as he’s about to sled down the hill in Christmas Vacation… “Later Dudes!”

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