Monday, October 10, 2011

Cowboys and Angels

I've had a very special person on my mind more than usual this past week.... 

(Photo courtesy of Luke & Cat @

David's Dad and mine both passed away before we were married so my kids have never actually had a grandpa in their lives. They were both wonderful and memorable men and I've often regretted my children didn't get to know them.  However, the good Lord has such a wonderful way of filling the gaps in our lives with special people and special experiences, greater than we could ever hope for or understand. 

I was very close to my own Grandfather and he was a big influence on me.  There is undoubtedly something very, very special about a grandfatherly relationship.  Maybe because when we're young we will listen to advice from grandparents we won't heed from our own parents.  Maybe its because they have a little more time on their hands to spend with us and just make us feel special.  Maybe its because through the filter of age and experience, they'll just tell you like it is and cut through the crap in a clear and refreshing way.   For these reasons and many more, a grandparent plays a special role in shaping us as we grow.

A very special man passed away this weekend who was as close to a grandfather as DJ had in his life.  He was a man's man.  A tough guy.  A hard worker.  An old fashioned cowboy.  A master hunter and fisherman.  A person of strong values and great character.  A great storyteller with an amazing sense of humor.  A good husband and family man who drew others in and made them feel part of his family.  A person of incredible heart.  A true one of a kind!

Not only will he live on in the lives of his wonderful loving family, but he will live on in the hearts of DJ and the other boys he touched so deeply.  Those nights around the campfire after a day of deer hunting, those talks and laughs while riding in the truck on endless chores, and those many meals shared did more than pass the time and nourish the boys bodies.  It nourished their souls and shaped their character in many ways.   Ways that I as a mother could never accomplish.  Ways that I am so very greatful for.

I am grateful beyond words for Mr. Andrew who so beautifully left his print on DJ's life.  May he receive a great reward in heaven for the love he showed here on earth!